Nollywood actor and film director, Desmond Elliot has revealed that he keeps his colleagues close to his heart. Speaking in a recent interview with Spy Ghana, the award winning actor referred to Uche Jombo as his best female movie mate and Ini Edo as his weird friend among others. For the male actor, he refers to Ramsey Noah as his ‘Closest and Craziest pal.’ ‘I get along with everybody because I don’t have enemies. I love working with Uche Jombo because she is a very good friend and a sister from another mother that I move along well with. ‘As for Ini Edo, although we fight a lot but we are still very close. Same for Genevieve Nnaji, Monalisa Chinda and a host of others’. ‘For the guys, most definitely Ramsey Noah, is my closest and craziest pal,’ he said....
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Watch any number of rom-coms and you would get the idea that it's women who suffer most after a breakup. (You know the clichés we're thinking of: the ladies who sulk around in pajamas and take comfort in a carton -- or five -- of Ben and Jerry's.) But a new survey suggests it's men, not women, who suffer the most when a relationship ends. Polling some 501 singles, UK dating site Elite Singles found that 25 percent more men than women admitted to suffering lovesickness after each relationship, with far fewer guys having to be “really in love” to experience it. Why is that? Psychologist Wiebke Neberich suggested it might have something to do with the men's overall perception of the relationship. "Men have a propensity to overestimate a woman's interest, meaning that they also get brushed off and suffer from unrequited love more often," Neberich said in a press release. Check out the infographic below for a full picture of how men and wo...
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