7 Different Things To Enjoy While Living By Yourself

7 Different Things To Enjoy While Living By Yourself
When we are still children, we often dream of growing up and becoming totally independent. Sometimes living among people is hard, especially if you are misunderstood by them.

To avoid conflicts is easy when you live alone. Being on your own is not scary at all. It does not means that you will feel abandoned and neglected. It merely means that there will be nobody to control you. It might feel weird to be all alone in an apartment. Nevertheless, you will soon get used to that feeling and will even like it. Only when you are your own boss can you fully get to know yourself. This is when you can allow yourself to be free and do what you feel like doing without asking for others’ permission and advice. These are 7 things you will experience when you start living on your own:
1. Being alone does not equal being lonesome
Living alone is by no means boring! You are not supposed to isolate yourself from the society. Keep communicating with people. Invite your friends over. Visit your family and hang out with people you like. You can choose to live alone. However we do not choose to be lonely. Those are two different things you should never consider to be the same.
2. You constantly talk to yourself
Do not worry if you talk to yourself. You are not insane. This is what all of us do when we stay on our own. This habit might become stronger once you start living alone. If you do this to fill the silence, another thing that might work is to have the radio in the background, some quiet music and so on. If these are not enough we suggest having a pet.

3. Your fridge is often empty
When you live in a large family or share an apartment with a few roommates your fridge is never empty. Now that you have decided to live alone, you might discover that your fridge is often half-empty. From now on you will need to fill it up in order not to starve to death. There is one plus in such a situation. Whatever food you buy will always belong to you and there will never be anyone who will eat your favorite snack. Another benefit is that you will soon learn to cook, because living on processed food and constant takeouts is unhealthy and is simply a waste of your money. If a couple of weeks you will learn to shop for food, prepare it and plan your menu ahead.

4. Inviting your date and meeting people at your place
It’s hard to hide that you are in some sort of relationship when you live with your parents or roommates. Everybody would know who is visiting you, when they come to you and when they leave. They hear your conversation or even argument which is always unpleasant. Let your private life be really private. When you own an apartment you can live with your partner and never worry about what others think.

5. You will appreciate silence
If you can afford to live alone is great because you have more private time, more space and plenty of silence and peace. This might scare you at first but you will soon get used to it and will always seek silence. Being in a quiet environment is healthy – you relax, have better sleep and can meditate without disturbance. You will communicate with others only when you decide that it’s time to go out and meet someone. Otherwise your home is your castle where you are the queen.

6. Living alone is useful while trying to figure out your true self
Of course it all depends on your age and mentality as well as your psychological and emotional state. If you are mature enough then you will understand that getting to know yourself is much easier when there is nobody around and you can fully concentrate on yourself and your thoughts. Take some time and make your choices without any outer help and assistance. Take responsibility for your own actions.

7. You are not disturbed by other people
Being constantly oppressed by others’ presence is no fun. You need to have some private space. Sometimes you get sick and tired of being disturbed by visitors, neighbors dropping by to visit one of your family members or you, accidental people or those you know yet wish to forget. Living on your own means that you are totally free to do whatever you feel like doing without trying to compromise with others. Just imagine how good it is to wear whatever you like (or wearing nothing at all) in your own apartment. In the morning you do not need to queue to get in the bathroom. You watch your favorite TV programs and listen to music as loudly as you want!


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