5 Myths About Cheating

You can hardly find a person who is not afraid of cheating. Once it happened to you, it becomes impossible to stop thinking about the reasons which made your partner cheat on you. Here are top cheating myths you should know about.

Almost everyone has heard about the extramarital affairs of Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Clinton so if someone is going to deviate, he will be the man, agree? The greatest myth about infidelity is that only the representatives of the stronger sex sleep around. It’s a lie! Women cheat as well. The matter can happen to anyone.
Here are the five most common delusions about infidelity, and facts that you really must know.

1. Once Someone Has Cheated, A Couple Will Never Be Happy Again
Affairs are common for relationships, and very often they are recovered. The reason why you can hardly ever hear stories about success is that none wants to talk about such things. It is always possible for couples to rebuild their relationships successfully. Many of my patients claim their ties became even stronger once they managed to work things through. If you can distinguish infidelity fact from fiction it may help your couple gain a better understanding of the nature of affairs and of the possibilities to prevent them.

2. Infidelity Not Always Happens Because of Sex; It May Happen Because of Other Marital Issues.
Sometimes extramarital "sex" happens just because of sex. But undoubtedly very often affairs are just about unsatisfied emotional needs.
 3. It Can't Be Called Cheating When Sex Wasn't Involved
A great number of affairs do not involve any sex. Does it men to be unfaithful when you stay up all night secretly sending messages to an old friend about your most intimate dreams? It will not be considered as cheating when you are the one who is doing it, however you can bet it’s not the same way with your partner. Giving an emotional part of yourself to a person with whom you may potentially cheat, is already cheating.
 4. All Affairs Are About Sexual Attraction.
Certainly, yeah, a number of affairs are only about sex, although it’s common for affairs to happen due to an emotional connection. It happens that you just spend time together chatting and sharing feelings and affairs never go further, however it's silly to deny the fact that the feeling of emotional closeness very often leads to sex.
 5. The Reason of Affairs Is Problems In The Marriage.
The truth is that every second marriage has problems and it can’t be the reason for affairs; they happen because couples haven’t learnt how to cooperate together to work out the issues.


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